My experience of being coached


It was only after I qualified as a GP , I tapped into improving my own health and I’m not talking about the gym or eating healthily. This wasn’t fully satisfying for me. I wanted to travel to the most random remote places and test my ability to survive in conditions which were not within the confines of an all inclusive. For me, it involved a lot of reading, bouncing castles, trekking for 4 days without showering, riding with huskies, bouldering and drifting.

Tapping into creativity helped me build confidence in my ability in life outside of my role as a doctor. We all know what we are generally doing in our jobs, when to turn up and what is expected of us. What about life outside of your job ? It can feel lonely and overwhelming when you want to strive to be better in other aspects of life.

So I tentatively emailed and audibly screeched out loud when I pressed the send button to my career coach and now friend. I didn’t know what I was asking her for; “help I feel I am destined to do more than be a doctor and I have this idea, what do you think ?” . We didn’t know each other at all. What would she think of me, my work, my failed attempts after numerous self help books and youtube videos.

Coaching really helped me when I was searching for something outside of my job and outside of myself I guess.

Coaching gave me so many benefit:


1.    I felt heard
2.    I could spill my guts out and ask “silly questions”
3.    My coach was (and is)my biggest hype man/woman
4.    I was accountable for my own personal goals with the right support structure in place
5.    I was stretched at the right points in time
6.    I go to have 1:1 mentoring, undivided time with someone who had my best interests at heart.
7.    I heard about their authentic experiences and really connected with my coach. This made me feel less alone in a very heavy going social media world where comparisons run high. It doesn’t matter what you see; someone with a flashy car, house, kids, someone with your goal physique or a talent you so desperately want. We get frustrated about what we don’t have and even more confused about how to achieve what we want. Fact.

Potential Drawbacks of Being Coached:

1. It requires time taken out of your schedule to speak with a coach

2. Time is also needed to actually do the home work that your coach has set you

3. It may seem like a lot of money but the benefits outlive the coaching experience and give you the tools and confidence to apply what you have learnt to any situation

Coaching allows your own path to be revealed so you can reach the highest version of yourself.  It allowed me to also be kind to myself, I am now open to new possibilities and I am ok with plans gone awry. 

Ideal coaching clients should

1.     Show up and be totally undistracted for 60 minutes every week.

2.     Be open and honest each session

3.     Curious about their own health and understand that your body needs different things at different points in your life.

4.     Committed to having fun and being relaxed in sessions

5.     Willing to do a little bit of homework outside of each session, this is to move you towards your goals that you set out with your coach at the start.

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